What does frenship mean to u? What about best fren ? How can u consider a person to be ur best fren ? How much do u have to commit to be a fren and best fren and how much do u need to receive to know that the person is ur fren and best fren? We have so many frens in life, how many stay and how many gone?
U see, I always have problems over frens,I dun like to have best fren and I dun like to choose fren , all who have step into my life, are consider as my fren. I don't categorise my frens.
What does best fren mean to me? to me, It's like a brain cell, telling and controlling u what to do. I believe many of u had such thing happen to u b4 too :
Best fren telling u what to do without considering your feelings
U muz be thinking that i'm behaving very childish right? At my age, there are actually people still doing it....
Those who know me well, know that I have many frens, either they are 'hi-bye' frens or or real close frens, dun be mistaken,real close frens are not best frens ..they are frens whom I can talk to freely without constrain
Usually people will tell me,"it's good to have best fren so that i can confide in them"
For me, its different cos' I have Jason to confide in most of the time, however,there are things woman can't tell her man(not unfaithful things lah) so i still need a fren.
So who do I confide my stuff to? To anyone whom I feel comfortable with,It can be u...depending on what topic my problem is.
So, dear frens out there, dun be mistaken by my actions if u feel that I'm not treating u as best fren, in fact I treasure all my frens equally.
So, dun control me, dun tell me what to do, u are my fren, not my brain cell...
Frens are meant to enjoy life with u, through sadness and laughters, and respecting your decision in every way.