Thursday, July 26, 2007

Busy Week!!

Rachel,my niece had sore eyes since Sunday was a contagious situation. Xavier was the next person who got it,followed by Jason then Sis and Mom.

I had to accompany Jason to see a doc on Monday evening and sent him to CGH when his condition got worse on Tuesday Morning..afterwhich, I had to drive all the way to Commonwealth to fetch Sis off from her Office back to AMk to see doc.Lucky me, Tuesday only had 1 tuition at 5pm,so I need not rush,but it was dame tiring driving from amk to east to west and back to amk.

Wednesday Morning, Jason and I had a craving for eggs and bread @ Chin Mei Chin(Katong),so we drove there and went to Motoworld in UBI to view some Bike Jackets after breakfast.

I've always wanted to get some thing for Jason,It's been such a long time since i got him something nice...due to me back to sch with extreme low income,sighz!:nervous:
I can't afford his Shoei helmet,so the least..a RS taichi Jacket.

Anyway,we went off home soon as I've got tuition for Sylvia at 3pm.But shortly we've got home, Jason felt sick,had to make him swallow panadols and dad called.

Then, I've got to send Xavier to UNITED FAMILY clinic to extend his MC,Sis called b4 we could get the MC approved by the Doc,had to u-turn back to send Mom to see a Doc in AMK central,after all the driving to and fro,I dashed off to Sylvia's house by bus .

Had 2 tuitions that day,so everything ended at 7pm,feeling so tired and hungry,nothing was on my mind...restlessly dragging my feet back home.

Thursday Morning( which is today), Jason and I decided to go back UBI Motoworld to get the RSTAICHI JACket. Initially, he was excited over getting a new Jacket(hoping Motoworld will sell his ideal jac: RSJ215),but looking at the ranges and varieties of jackets they have,and after trying on and taking off different jackets and sizes of the jackets, he got fed up over it.

Well,he can't make up his mind on the size of the jacket though he had decided on the one same as mine, so we took some time to think over it in the shop...finally, I got him the size M( a fitting Jacket should be better than a loose one right???)

I made the payment, Jason's mood changed....
He was delighted!! I was too..(within my budget,got the Jac @ $255)...Now we have same helmets,same jackets!!!~~~~

Now I'm praying hard that he could recover tomorrow,so we can join Andrew, Alan & Carine, Gary & Kazz to Port Dickson and Malacca on Saturday~~~~~~~~~~WEEEeeeeeeeee!!!!

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